
I am Oxymoronic

This will be first in a series of posts on why I would currently describe myself as oxymoronic.

As I was driving home from work this week, I realized that I don't do what I say and vice versa. I almost feel as if I am deceiving my readers, so lets "right this ship" and expose myself.

The first thing that comes to mind regarding myself being oxymoronic is two-fold in regards personal finance. One is the fact that I have a rather large amount of credit card debt (over $10,000). However, I have read almost every program/idea that has been published regarding paying down debt. I have even advised friends on how to pay down debt and have kept them in check by following up with them. I just can't seem to get on a program and stick with it myself!

The second reason is that my personal networth is $6,149.40. Seeing as this is not that high, I almost feel as if I have been lying to my readers. Don't get me wrong, I know I haven't been lying because I haven't said anything either way. But, it is now on the table and everyone knows (please make note of it FMF!) Yet, I still feel that up to this point I have been somewhat dishonest about it.

So there you have it. One (wait a minute, it turned into two) of the reasons I feel oxmoronic is now out in the public. So what am I going to do about it? Well, I figure right now that I should develop some short- and long-term goals that I would like to accomplish regarding this problem:

1) Make a conscious effort to spend less than I earn
2) Post more on debt elimination and personal finance that will increase my networth

1) Pay down all of my credit card debt by December 2006
2) Post the % of my debt paid and provide a monthly update to my networth


At 10/24/2005 05:30:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've got it noted (I'll include this for November). If you want to be included in my post every month, be sure to send me an email.

Also, don't worry about saying one thing and doing another. It's the way 99% of people handle their finances and recognizing that it's happening is the first step to reversing the trend. ;-)

At 10/24/2005 11:40:00 AM, Blogger Caitlin said...

seems like you're on the right track. I know that I started my own blog to keep me accountable, and so far it is working, but it works best when i have clear goals and put excruciating detail online LOL


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